ColorCons Smoke 1.0

  • Categoría: Icons & Buttons
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: 1.97 KB
  • Sistema: w98 w2000 wXP vista
  • Idiomas:

Free pack with 49 attractive circular icons in grey to improve the look of your PC.

ColorCons Smoke is a pack that includes 49 circular icons in grey. They are lively icons that provoke a fantastic vision by contrasting to other colours. The ColorCons Smoke icons work in ICO and PNG formats, and in two sizes: 48x48 and 128x128. The flexibility of the icons means the user can use them when creating programs, making them ideal for webmasters.

If you are tired of traditional icons, a good option is to install ColorCons Smoke, which you can apply both to folders and work areas. It is recommended to save all the icons in a specific folder, and from there work on them: just right click on the chosen icon.

Some of the more useful icons show a printer, email program, the "at" sign, cut, copy, paste, sound, etc.


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